The Magical Journey of Cinderella Sapphire takes readers on a personal voyage into the life of a young girl as she grows into womanhood under the specter of child physical, sexual and emotional abuse, the loss of her entire family, and the unfathomable grief of it all.
Cinderella Sapphire, a young girl who starts out in life with a happy, beautiful family soon experiences great loss when her beloved grandmother and mother die within three months of each other. Cinderella or “Ella” is left behind with her older brother and her loving father who soon falls under the “spell” of the beautiful but cruel Susanna. The abusive and wicked Susanna unleashes her jealousy, wrath and twisted behavior on her step-children. She poisons or kills pets, sexually abuses both Ella and her brother, and makes life a living hell.
When Ella’s brother runs away and her father suddenly dies, Ella is left alone in the world to fight for herself and create a better life. This important story walks readers through a story of abuse and loss, but also one of faith, hope, and resilience. Ella emerges as a heroine who overcomes unquestionable hardship only to uncover an amazing destiny. Her life story teaches readers important life and unforgettable life lessons.